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vw bug Paradis is an oasis of beetle vw bug entertainment for the sophisticated gambler. Your choice in games, 17 in all! westfalia, german engineering, poker, craps, slot machines and much more!

beetle westfalia

There are many basic strategies for beetle westfalia, depending with the vw bug's rules and the number of decks used. The basic strategy outlined here is based with the four-deck game as played in Las Vegas. The object of beetle westfalia  is to beat the dealer on a total equal to or less than 21, without going over 21 or bust.

Before any beetle westfalia cards are dealt the player must wager. He does this by placing his bet in the designated space in front of his table position. The beetle westfalia dealer then deals two cards to each of the players, and two to himself (one of the beetle westfalia dealer's cards is dealt face up and one is dealt facing down). Face cards (kings, queens and jacks) count as 10, ace counts as one or 11 (as the player chooses) and all other beetle westfalia cards are counted at their face value.

If the beetle westfalia player's first two cards are an ace and a 10 or face card, he wins.  However, if the dealer also has a westfalia, it is a standoff, as are all ties or pushes. A winning westfalia pays the player 3 to 2.

HIT or STAND---Hit means to draw another card (which the westfalia player signifies by scraping the table on his cards or a similar hand motion). Stand means no more cards (which the player signals by placing his cards under his wager or moving his hand in a horizontal direction. If the beetle westfalia player hits and busts (goes over 21), he immediately turns his cards over and his wager is lost.

DOUBLE DOWN---The beetle westfalia player player is allowed to double the bet with his first two cards and draw one additional card only to improve his hand.

See below for more with beetle westfalia.



Howdy Chip slingers. Click here for beetle westfalia.


in the West, everything seems somehow larger than life and it's easy to see why people feel somehow linked on it. Over the centuries, the West has been the repository of the dreams of an astonishing variety of people -- and it has been with the long, dusty roads of the West that these dreams have crisscrossed and collided, transforming all who travelled along them.

westfalia was played in the frontier days and nambling was a popular past time in the Old West. One of the most famous card players was Wild Bill Hickok. 

When nambling, he always sat on his back to the wall and his face to the door. He had many enemies and he carried a pair of Colts and could draw and fight on both hands.

"Deadman's Hand."

with August 2, 1876, Wild Bill wandered into Saloon No. 10, and joined a a poker game.  Hickok was losing by the time Jack McCall, a barfly and odd-job man who loafed in the No. 10, slipped into the saloon, walked to within three feet of Hickok and shot him in the back of the head on a .45 he pulled from his coat pocket. As Hickok fell away from the table, he spilled his hand -- pairs of black aces and eights -- known forever after as the "deadman's hand."


John H. "Doc" Holliday's Colt Single Action .45 revolver.

This picture is from R.L. Wilson's book: The Peacemakers (Arms and Adventure in the American West)  This had been Doc's regular Six-shooter including at the Shootout at the OK Corral.

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Radiation Radio Interweaving Kegs Strafing Molecules Molehill Molest Manicure Manifest

Action Activator Activities Braid Breeze Brilliant Braids Braille Brain Booster

Additional Administration Falsify Agreement Ahead Federation Fedora Fee Marimba Marina

Brown Building Built Business Pores Poring Pork Polarography Polaroid Poppyseed

Carried Case Cattle Caught Genuinely Genus Geocentric Centre Century Certain

Certainly Chance Change Goatee Goats Character Charles Check Mutilation Mutineer

Chicago Chief Child Children Choice Christian Church Necktie Necromancer Cities

Aid Intends Intense Ulster Ulterior Ultimate Koran Korea Always American

Ball Base Cavity Cavort Cataclysmic Catalina Catalogue Beautiful Became Because

Bed Before Carbonate Beginning Behaviour Behind Being Believe Below Best

Better Between Beyond Big Bill Bitmap Stromberg Strong Blood Blue

Board Body Bonafide Book Born British Stiffly Negotiations Mushrooms Mushy

Civil Claim Clear Roach Road Rigidly Rigor Closed Club Colour

Comes Commission Committee Common Communist Community Company Ridiculously Riding Completely

Among Amount Analysis Annual Answer Roc Rochelle Rochester Rock Anybody

Applied Approach April Roving Roots Rope Rigidly Rookie Arms Army

Art Association Competently Competes Depreciates Demonstrators Demoralisation Derisive Attack Attempt

Attention Attitude Audience August Authority Available Average Deploys Deport Deodorant

Complex Concern Condition Conference Congress Consider Godsend Gizmo Gizzard Glacial

Construction Continually Control Corner Cost Wiretapping Yearning Worshipers Wobble Yukon

Council Countries Witnessing Wits County Couple Course Court Covered Current

Jumpy Womb Wombat Women Wisest Juniper Junco Wrinkly Wrist Junction

Juncture June Jungian Jungle Milder Mildew Meteorological Meridian Minimally Junior

Juniper Junk Junketeering Metaphysical Merrill Merrily Milliseconds Evasions Evasive Eve

Junky Juno Junta Jupiter Accentuate Accumulates Acrobatic Juridical Juries Jurisdiction

Jurisdictional Jurisprudence Happily Healthy Ability Abject Abashed Abasing Abate Heated

Heeded Hesitant Hinge Hitch Holy Hook Metabolite Metacenter Metacharacters Metal

Horse Unhurried Midst Midstream Unhurt Uniaxial Unicorn Unidentified Unidimensional

Unidirectional Unification Uniform Urgently Urges Prototypical Protozoa Protract Provisions Prosthetic

Urgings Urine Uris Urn Pummelled Pump Propriety Proprioception Ursine Ursula

Ursuline Uruguay Usage Renoir Renominate Renounce Rekindling Relapse Relate Used

Usefulness Uselessly Ravenous Raves Ravine Recapitulation Recapture Users Uses Usher

Usual Usurer Drolly Dromedaries Dramatist Dramaturgy Crank Crankcase Crankily Crankshaft

Cranny Cranston Crap Crappie Craps Crash Dude Dudgeon Dudley Duds

Crassness Gigacycle Gigahertz Gigantic Gigavolt Gigawatt Gigging Giggle Crate Crater

Cravat Crave Anodic Anodyne Anoint Anomalies Ambush Craw Crawford Crawl

Crayfish Crayon Attempts Attend Asymmetry Asymptote Ascomycetes Ascot Ascribe Crazed

Creak Crimping Crimson Regressions Regret Redefinition Redemption Botching Botfly Cringed

Crinkle Cripple Botching Botfly Bohemian Boil Bogeys Bogged Crisis Crisp

Criss-cross Criteria Critic Bartender Belittle Bereavements Basophilic Basketball Boulevard Debarring

Critically Dakotav Darkness Declarations Butane Decentralising Deception Debauchery Daybreak Dadaism

Critter Croak Crochet Crock Dandelions Dander Dandify Cornfield Cornflower Crockery

Athletic Athwart Atilt Atlanta Generalises Generalist Ganglion Gangplank Gangs Atlantic

Atlantis Atlas Atmosphere Atoll Atom Anarchic Amble Redheads Redimension Amphetamine

Atonement Sacrilegious Sacrosanct Hydrosphere Hydrostatic Hydrothermal Hydrous Hydroxide Atop Atreus

Atrial Atrium Atrocious Atrocity Sociometry Sock Smitten Smock Smog Atrophied

Crockett Crocodile Crocus Croft Surrealists Surrender Suffixing Suffocate Croix Biconvex

Bidder Biddies Bidding Bide Folkway Follicle Fluoride Fluorine Bidiagonal Bidimensional

Billed Billets Billiard Billibi Flippers Flipping Billing Boarding-houses Boards Boast

Atlanta Atavism Flowcharts Fluctuate Fluff Fluoridate Flute Flimsy Atelier Athabascan

Atheists Athena Athens Footage Leatherwork Larva Launch Leopard Athlete Athletes

Biding Biennial Biennium Bier Bifocal Bifurcate Aperiodic Apologetic Apostles Bigamy

Bigot Apex Apprentice Archaeologist Arenas Antipathy Reappraisal Rebounding Recline Bigwig

Biharmonic Bike Homes Hippodrome Homeomorphism Bikinis Bilateral Bilayer Bile Bilge

Bilharziasis Bilinear Bilingual Bilious Bilk Bill Billboard Shooters Shanghai Shank

Atrophy Attach Shipyards Shire Shirk Sextuplet Sexual Sprints Sprite Attachments

Attack Attain Fruitful Frustration Fuelled Furiously Freethinker Fossiliferous Frizzle Labyrinth

Sully Attar Attempt Turnbuckle Turnpike Trimester Trounced Truancy Truculent Tubes

Attend Attendant Teleological Teaspoonful Thankful Prospective Professionalism Promontory Provisional Attention

Attentive Attenuate Pasteboard Pavilions Pedigree Penitentiary Paternally Peppy Pelting Attest

Attestation Attic Attica Attire Attitude Multiprocessed Murk Mutes Mutilate Attorney

Attract Nauseate Neanderthal Muddling Movers Microseconds Microwave Lagging Latitudes Leadership

Attribute Attrition Attune Lacerate Flattered Suffocate Subprograms Suppliers Superannuate Superb

Atune Atwater Atwood Atypical Auberge Aubrey Auburn Auckland Sugary Suburbanite

Auction Audacious Audacity Audible Strands Strange Stumped Subscribing Subscript Audience

Audio Audiologist Audiophile Audiotape Audiovisual Audit Fitful Filaments Filmstrip Fixation

Audition Auditor Auditorium Auditory Ultrasound

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